5 Reasons to change your Banners Regularly

Posted on February 23, 2018 by Kevin Richards

Cover for 5 Reasons to change your Banners Regularly

Ecommerce stores often rely on large banner and billboard graphics to help create a positive first impression. But why should you be changing them out regularly? Here are 5 key reasons why making regular updates to your website banner designs is important:

Make sure visitors know they're in the right place.

Your homepage banner and headline will be the first thing visitors see, so make sure it's up-to-date and tailored for maximum impact. This is something that should be tested and changed regularly for optimal results – plus, with A/B testing, you can easily compare two versions of an image or headline to determine which one works best with your target audience.

Direct customers to your best offer or promotion.

Use the main focus of your site to showcase your latest product or discount – this can help drive further engagement with potential customers and encourage them to take action on what you have available at any given time; moreover, by creating banners that emphasize discounts like ‘buy one get one free’ or ‘limited time offers’ this helps add extra incentive for people to purchase right away instead of waiting until later on down the road when those deals may no longer exist.

Address customer pain points with relevant imagery & headlines.

By rotating content that speaks directly to customer needs, you can provide more value while also helping people identify which products may work best for their particular situation(s). Additionally, using powerful words like 'guaranteed' 'instant' 'free', etc., in these visuals will help capture attention from viewers who are looking for solutions quickly without having too much read through text involved.

Keep things fresh by emphasizing holidays & expiring promotions

This helps create a sense of urgency which can boost conversion rates significantly over time as well as keep things interesting for returning customers who may otherwise become bored with seeing the same images every time they visit your store or website page(s). Furthermore, updating graphics seasonally allows businesses an opportunity to embrace new trends while remaining consistent throughout different times of year (easter eggs during Easter season vs snowflakes during winter season) - this keeps things fun yet still fitting into overall brand identity!

Showcase how products work in real life scenarios

Use lifestyle shots that demonstrate how someone could fix, improve or delight in use of a product from within an image rather than just showing what it looks like alone; these types of visuals should be tested frequently depending on current promotions being offered by the business at any given period of time! Moreover, adding captions underneath each photo depicting actual customer experiences will add additional credibility & trustworthiness around products being sold online – leading people closer towards taking action sooner rather than later! Ultimately, changing out banners/graphics regularly allows businesses to keep their sites fresh while still maintaining consistency between brand identity & overall marketing goals (such as email campaigns or other ad campaigns running alongside homepage billboard graphics).

Ultimately, changing out banners/graphics regularly allows businesses to keep their sites fresh while still maintaining consistency between brand identity & overall marketing goals (such as email campaigns or other ad campaigns running alongside homepage billboard graphics).

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